Would this be the best thing that happens in the Senate next year?

I know so


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It certainly would be refreshing to see some intelligence head up this department. Lord sakes, it has been a long time coming. My goodness, how dumb can you get when you are flimmed flammed into believing in Global Warming because they turn off the air conditioners? And the greenies laugh and even brag about how they pulled this one off. Of course you have to realize, lies, corruption and deceit are all tools of the greenies and Goebbels. Only Goebbels was more honest about it, he openly admitted it.


If that happens, then I would suggest that Senator Inhofe and Soviet Party Chief Vladamir Putin congratulate each other, for Putin taking over Crimea and Senator Inhofe for forcing his anti-science agenda on the public.

Wage Slave does bring out a point. He won't silence science.


Inhofe, thinks many things and most seem to relate to the fantasies of the denial movement, he is man who should not be in charge of anything.

I remember a denier here posting the usual YouTube video, claiming it showed the senate laughing at Obama, except if you actual watch the video "the laugh" is some time into Obama talking and is at the mention of Inhofe's name. But I guess deniers hear what they want to hear.

I think it's a sad indication on denial that they listen to a senator from Oklahoma who went from business to politics with no history in science at all, rather than listening to scientists. But then that is the history of denial across many of their so called 'experts'
As for the election it is a term of 6 years and he will turn 80 around the time of the mid-term, so if he does win don't slap him on the back to hard.


I'd like to see my country run on the basis of science and reason. You can't go wrong when all decisions are based on facts and scientifically arrived at data. 2 pus 2 is four no matter how the Jesus freaks and the folks addicted to listening to the right wing radio dummies twist and shout. Objective reality is objective reality... nothing else even comes close!

Wage Slave2014-03-21T06:43:53Z

"Climate Holocaust Denier..." I think you are right. It's not bad enough to merely "deny."

It would be poetic justice if Inhofe get to chair the energy committe. He would still be branded an "obstructionist" though. Did you ever notice that Democrats are never called obstructionists?

To answer your question, it think this change would be tied for first place with about 20 other changes where Republicans got control. Obama could still veto everything (that would not be obstructionist either), but his agenda would be dead except for what he did with his pen and telephone.

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