Someone else has uploaded my Youtube video on their account without permission. Are they benefiting financially from my own work?

I noticed someone else has one of my Youtube videos on their channel without my permission. I do place ads/monetize my videos so I do get paid a small amount for my work. My question is....

If someone else were to click on my original video on a different person's channel, does this mean they may actually be getting paid through adsense from my work? Or will the revenue/adsense still go to me? If the former, I am going to file a complaint possibly and have that person remove my video from their channel. Any insight would be great. Thanks.


Favorite Answer

No, they are getting paid because it is uploaded on their account. Yeah, contact YouTube and file a complaint first, and keep fighting back.


NO. Google which owns youtube is currently being sued by Viacom to the tune of 1 billion dollars for copyright infringement. About a month ago Limewire got popped by a federal judge for not doing enough to stop music pirating. This is only the beginning. You cannot use copyrighted material without the express permission of the owner. They made the piece, they want their money. Seems far to me.


You better inform Youtube about this incident and try to use Content ID if you could.

