Why has there not been anything about how Thomas S. Monson, and the LDS church, had the case against them...?

thrown out? While we were waiting, it seemed as if the non-Mormons were dancing in the streets.


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1) The anti-ex/Mormons ended up embarrassing themselves and are to ashamed to say anything. I mean, seriously, is there even one intelligent person out there that actually believed this case would go anywhere? The Mormons themselves knew it would get thrown out and I guess we don't really have anything to say, except perhaps "I told you so".

2) This is Yahoo!Answers, not Yahoo!News, and not Yahoo!CurrentEvents. I guess no one has any "questions" to ask about it. Except you :-)


I never even gave dancing in the streets a thought. But you go right ahead and think whatever it is you need to in order to believe whatever it is you think you have to, kid. Because I didn't think the case against the LDS and Monson would go much of anywhere either, and said so on this forum. The LDS is worth a LOT of money. Don't think those hundreds of "volunteer" unpaid LDS lawyers working on this case weren't in contact with Swiss Banks, ready and waiting. It's not like ex-mormons didn't know the LDS would pay heavily to slip out of its own noose. It always has.

For now.... So go ahead and dance if YOU want to. YOU are the one smiling if you haven't noticed lately.... I'll remain on my knees, praying for the LDS to see that The Light isn't greenbacks. But thanks for letting me know the decision. I haven't bothered following it, already seeing the outcome before it ever was wire transferred.


You can't sue a church and put their beliefs on trial in a civil court when the law has been obeyed.

It is an Article of Faith that:

"We belief in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law".

The judge that threw out the civil case in the United Kingdom (the UK) was angry with the plaintiff and with the judge that let the case even be filed. The case had no merit.

You can't put religious beliefs on trial nowadays with freedom of religion that we have.


I've read some info about it. The British Court ruled that the intent was clearly to abuse justice and attack the LDS Church. It was thrown out.
