I don't talk to my crush much anymore, can I give him my #?

I met him because he overheard me talking to my friend about my PAST crush and he joined the convo because he thought something I said was funny. That convo ended up with me asking him for guy advice... but we also talked about memories, college, family, childhood, and other stuff which got me thinking about him and eventually kinda liking him.
That conversation was a couple months ago. Now we BARELY talk. Sometimes he smiles and says hi and we talk, but sometimes he doesn't even notice me walk past. He's a sophomore, I'm a Junior. We have no classes together; we used to be in pit orchestra for the musical.
The only thing that's giving me hope: when I talked to him about giving my past crush my #, my current crush said "If a girl gave me her # out of nowhere, that would be awesome... like, it would make make my day!" and I asked if he would tell anyone (I was scared my past crush would laugh at me with his friends), and he said "Yeah, I'd be so surprised- in a good way- I'd definitely tell people"
SOOOO.... Do you think my current might react like that if I give him my #? I want to, but if you were in his place, would you think it's weird because we barely talk anymore?
Btw, I never gave my past crush my number :p ... but he gave me his! :) Then told me all he wants us to be is friends... :,(


Favorite Answer

Yes, you should give him your number! Talk to him more and see if there's anything special that could come out of it! Good luck and be careful!


Try giving him ur number
U don't really have to say anything, u know?
then if he does gossip, well, all u did was give him a number, right?
Beyond that there wouldn't be much else he could be un-gentlemanly over

U have it on good authority he'd be happy if this happened, and he said it 2 u, meaning "including you, ma'am" else he wouldn't have said anything

Under the number maybe write "our secret, k?" or "just between us, k" etc?

yeah u don't hafta say anything cuz if he' AT ALL interested in u, he'll figure out what 2 do next haha

Maybe he understands how to be a gentleman enough that no matter what follows, he should NEVER mention receiving the number to anyone else

As a sophomore guy, it would have been tremendously flattering 2 me 2 have a girl in the junior class pay any kind of attention at all (more flattering than u probably suspect!)

ur past crush -- it sounds like picked himself out for u, true?
u r picking out ur new crush -- maybe u do a better job picking out guys, than the past crush did!

all the best 2 u


If give your current crush your # I think he'd get the message and things might work out. I really hope things work out:) good luck!! I hope I helped!!


Give him your number and then start talking to him all the time!!x


Yes govw it to him you onky live once!!