How do I give this guy my #? We barely talk anymore.?
I had one realllly good conversation with my current crush, but I said some stuff about liking another guy at the time & even asked him for advice about getting the other guy's number. :/
He DID, however, say "if a girl gave me her number like that, it would be awesome- it would like make my day"... idk if he means including me or not.
3 months later, it sucks but we don't really talk a lot unless I need something from him or like he got a haircut or we're just saying hi (not often). We have no classes together. I'm a junior, he's a sophomore in HS. I sometimes see him in the mornings, before 1st and 2nd hour, and before and after 5th hour. Only for a moment though.
How do I give this guy my number? How do I just make conversation out of nowhere?