Should I give a guy I don't talk to anymore my number?

I had one realllly good conversation with my current crush, but I said some stuff about liking another guy at the time & even asked him for advice about getting the other guy's number. :/

He DID, however, say "if a girl gave me her number like that, it would be awesome- it would like make my day"... idk if he means including me or not.

3 months later, it sucks but we don't really talk a lot unless I need something from him or like he got a haircut or we're just saying hi (not often). We have no classes together. I'm a junior, he's a sophomore in HS. I sometimes see him in the mornings, before 1st and 2nd hour, and before and after 5th hour. Only for a moment though.

How do I give this guy my number? How do I just make conversation out of nowhere?


You can literally just walk up to him and say "hey! heres my number, text me sometime, we dont talk anymore" it sounds dumb but just do it straight up!
or try messaging him on facebook if he has one.