Please help with these math problems?

A Ferris wheel has a circumference of 592 feet. If a trip around takes 45 seconds, find the average speed in miles per hour. Round to the nearest tenth.

Write the ratio as a fraction to lowest terms.

30 to 6

A person riding a Ferris Wheel travels once around the wheel, a distance of 172 feet, in 30 seconds. What is the average speed of the rider in feet per second? Round to the nearest tenth.

Thank you!


Keeping things as fractions instead of decimals is quite a pain in this case but it just takes simplification over and over...

1. Feet to miles
592 feet x ( 1 mile / 5280 feet ) = 592/5280 = 296/2640 = 148/1320 = 74/660 = 37/330 miles

2. Seconds to hours
45 sec x (1 min / 60 sec) x (1 hr / 60 min) = 45/3600 = 5/400 = 1/80 hours

3. Miles per (/) hour
(37/330) / (1/80). Multiply reciprocal of denominator
(37/330) x (80/1) = 2960/330
= 296/33 miles per hour.

Repeat process for the second problem