Randomly gave a guy my number in his class?

Besides one really good conversation with my crush a few months ago, I don't talk to him much besides saying hi sometimes or if I need something. I went up to him before his class started and said "Hey... want my number?" and he was like "Sure, yeah". He actually texted me after school! & we talked about like.. everything and he seemed pretty engaged in the convo but then his answers got a little shorter and a little more spaced apart.

In the end I said "I gotta go start on my homework, but you should talk to me more in person. You seem nice & really interesting :)" and he was like "Thanks, you too :)"

But- maybe I'm over-thinking?- He didn't seem really excited when I gave him my # yesterday or when I said hi to him today. What do you think will happen? How often should I text him? What usually happens in this kinda situation? How interested does he seem to you?


If he didn't seem excited when you have him your number he might've just not been expecting it or he didn't wanna make it awkward or weird by seeming happy. If you want to you should try just talking in class and then when you get home wait a few hours and then texting him asking what's up. Don't text him everyday he might not like that. You should just talk to him more, the more you talk the closer you get. Especially if you talk about personal stuff with him and he does the same with you. He seems interested just don't make to huge of a deal about it. If you do it might scare him off. Good luck!

Jon G2014-04-01T20:39:41Z

What do you want him to do? Backflips, over a phone number?