How to NOT be so socially awkward with my crush?

1. Went up to my crush out of nowhere and asked "Hey... want my #?", he said "Sure, yeah" we barely used to talk besides one really good convo a few months ago. He texted me after school though! and we seemed to have a very good convo!

2. The next day we didn't really talk or text, we just said hi to each other when we passed each other in the hallway (we don't have any classes)

3. Today I passed him after school and the convo was just
Me: "Hey"
Him: "Hi"
Me: "How's it going?"
Him: "Good"
*standing in silence for one second too long*
Me: (muttering under breath) "oh my gosh" and turned around fast and walked away

Was I awkward? or was it him?! What do I do? Also, I didn't text him yesterday. Should I just wait for him to text me, or should I just start the convo? How do I not be so socially awkward? When I texted him he kinda seemed interested in what I had to say but idk... it's just super awkward in person :(


Favorite Answer

It seems to be easier to talk over the phone. Maybe you guys like each other so now its awkward. just text him! just say hey, whats up? send a smiley face. good luck!