does adhd make someone prone to living in solitude / diagnosis accuracy?

im just wondering because, i have seen a few psychologsists in the past for 2 1/2 years, and all the diagnosis varied, though a few did mention the same things such as depression, a little bit of anxiety and what not, it still bothers me on why they arent direct with me. i can understand that giving labels isnt really a good way of dealing with things but for me, i feel like someone who is very well educated and knows his stuff can at least assure me that it all comes down to one thing that explains everything else, i just dont buy the whole commorbidity thing. its like debating that EVERYONE has adhd, or no, not everyone has adhd. its really bothersome because every source i get is different. one person says this and one person says that, all i can do is look at everything in a philosophical perspective, just questioning things but never getting down to the deeper meaning or truth. maybe that has to do with my perfectionist personality disorder? maybe the perfectionism comes from my inconsistencies / no creativity or imagination and just dullness? i mentioned solitude in the topic header because at the age of 21, i dont see myself going anywhere, nor do i care to go anywhere. not only do i have a empty, boring life, stressful, agitating, frustrated life but its getting worse and worse by the day and i know that without god giving some kind of magical pill, ( which i would have to find from the psychiatry business ), even that wont fix anything.


i often feel like it would be better to go on the forums to discuss these matters but not only do i have the energy to do that, but i dont care to. i only read them sometimes, which doesnt help me get better. it only tells me that if these conditions were all real, and could be prooved with tests, at least i would be relieved in a angry way that is, at least i know that there is NOTHING i can do, and NOTHING that could have been done in the first place. i was born as a vulnerable confused kid.


since its hard to discuss what i feel is most important, i feel like il just give out random matters. there was this question here on yahoo, the poster mentioned that their psychologist said that people with aspergers, after a certain age, around 9 years old, start to get retarded. i feel like this is true for me in a sense. of course, i did seem wierd when i was young too, i feel like i got dumber as i got older. also, assuming i have aspergers, and not to stereotype but, im not good at math...


my reading comprehension has always been below average since i was like 5 years old, i failed the high school exit exam for the math and reading portion, which i retook and passed it barely, currently have a 1.88 gpa in college after 2 1/2 years, and not going anywhere like i said, just probably taking 1-2 classes per semester for the rest of my life ( meaning that i wont live very long in this state / the person i always was ).


Virtually all mental health issues leave you prone to isolation in one way or another but by no means does it guarantee it. Regardless of what you do actually "have" you can still live a normal life, it just may be a little different than what you expected for yourself. No matter how hopeless things feel there is always the potential for it to get better so don't give up especially at your age. You sound like you have a very complex set of issues you're dealing with and you're not going to get much help on yahoo answers. You've spoken to psychologists before and you probably should try that route again. Just this time let them know that you need more than some diagnosis. Let them know that you're happy knowing what's wrong but you're more interested in a concrete solution to the problem. I know how hard it can be to ask for help but if you can manage that then you'll probably develop a better outlook on your life. Good luck, I hope something helps things get better for you.