Is there anywhere to report glitches in Yahoo Answers?

I keep on running into more and more problems with the new format.

Glitches like...
* Punctuation will randomly become giberish code, most often with apostrophes
* In responding to comments to your answer, it will interpret the "less than" and "greater than" symbols as part of code or something, so instead of a clarification, the response ends up being nonsense.

And of course, I have some gripes that aren't related to glitches, persay, like...
* No way to edit responses to comments when the above happens.
* Putting the answers between your text box and the question makes it so you sometimes cannot see the question you're trying to answer while you're answering it.

Is there anywhere to report these issues to someone who might be able to work on them?

I know nearly all the people on here aren't in contact with Yahoo at all, but it would be nice if there were some way to know whether they're even aware of such issues...


all these things you list have been occurring for a long time and have been posted about by hundreds in the Suggestion Board

you may add your comments in either the bug thread or the comments thread about the new format

these threads are extremely long so they may take some time to load


The less-than and greater-than symbols are used in HTML for tags. They work best in math equations if they have a space on either side.