why are people who play video games such unrealistic assholes?

everytime i play any online team game, they either complain that im not doing my job when im playing perfectly fine or they get mad for instance when i steal their kills for strategy / action games. seriously, you get mad that i stole your kill and dont give credit for helping, when they could have died in the fights? they only look at what they dont like, they dont thank me for anything else, these people just have no respect in general and are very low class, i dont care what they say. this is from warcraft 3 dota games, it seems like the majority of the population are either white trash, scum, assholes, people with personality disorders or just asshole unrealistic type personalities. i wish they could do a survey on every person that played this game or games like this and evaluated what kind of people are found mostly playing these types of games for mental disorders / conditions. i mean, it isnt even gaming, most people in general are like this in society too, other than a lot of them having adhd, aspergers i suspect and or other conditions, im also suffering myself too with god knows what, but at least i dont trash talk or say unrealistic things. i try to stay humble and respectful of others, if i win a game or gonna win it, i dont become cocky or trash talk. i stay quiet.

all this said, im really being affected by this video game playing, i play it a lot due to my depressed / frustrating / empty / worthless / lazy life to get a little stimulation...


before i end up killing myself one day hopefully so all this pain and suffering can go away and i can possibly be granted a new life as a new person with a fresh mind and have a good life maybe.


zach and brandon, im just saying, if im going by the source that most people that play video games having mental disorders and what have you, why is that it isnt any different out in the open world? surely the whole world cant be the same as these pricks playing video games? i mean, i have issues, and i hate who i am / my life, but even in the condition im in, im not an attacker or burden to others


its not just the people in video games, its people in general, you cant reason with them in a friendly way, they just ignore anything you say, and they group up and all of them stick to their non logical beliefs. and this is the majority of society, how do these people function so well? i just dont get it. how can you be so rude and mean and at the same time not feel overwhelmed / vulnerable ever, its as if these people have no actual weaknesses.


Anonymous, i can understand that you have aspergers, and i can understand that you dont understand my question but i have to make it clear to you that telling me that video games are for low intelligent people isnt helping out, it only makes me feel worse. as if i dont have aspergers, i dont have any personality disorder, nor do i have adhd or other mental disorders, im simply a lazy dumb person, and because of that, i have to suffer for it...


also the myth isnt something im agreeing on necessarily, i just brought it up as a debate to see what other people think about it and apparently you dont really agree with it or you think its a stupid myth. so according to you, if anything, most people who play video games a lot / in general, would rather have lower iq's. besides this whole debate, i dont think i will ever find anyone that truly understands me. i guess i will just have to keep asking questions and randomly seeing psychologists..


I dont understand the question but its a stupid myth that "people who play videos games have aspergers a d personality disorders" I have aspergers and I have never touched a video game in my life I think there for low intelligent people.


Dude, don't kill yourself over games. In life, people will be @$$holes because that's just how they are. Mute them, play offline, find other people, find a new community through a new console, or maybe stop playing video games if needed. It's not worth suicide.


Not sure what your question is...? Sounds like a venting rant... But online people don't treat other people like people because online takes some of humanity out of people. People respond to society and it's rules because society holds them accountable. Online is like Hobbes state of war. Everyone is free and everyone is equal. So they can do as they please with no one to stop them. It sucks, but your just as free and equal. Do what makes you happy. If being kind makes you happy be kind, it not find what does.