When will GAP Insurance pay?
I was involved in a hit and run, and of course the moron totaled my car. Within a month my insurance company declared it a "total loss" and paid their portion of the bill. I was making payments, the car was 9000, insurance paid 7000, that left me with the remaining 2000 to pay off.
I heard GAP takes a while to actually kick in, so I paid that months bill so nothing was late. I then had to fill out paperwork for the car etc.. for GAP and sent it to them.
I will be making the 4th payment since this happened and GAP still hasn't paid AT ALL. I'm basically paying for a car I don't even have.
So when the hell will GAP finally come in and pay their part so I stop throwing car payments into a trash can every friggin month?
It's worth noting, I never missed a payment and was always paying early instead of at the deadline. I often made payments of more than I needed to. I have nothing negative on this loan at all, they are simply not doing their part.