When is the best time to give a husky a bath?

Our husky (we had to give her to some friends for a few years due to housing rules) is filthy. She needs a bath but it's still quite cold here in Michigan. When would be the best time to give her a bath? We don't want to give her one when it is cold out so she doesn't get too cold when she goes out due to her double coat, but she really does need one. Her belly (which should be white) is brown and gray and her fur is really bad looking.

Anyone know when we should give it a go? Maybe a minimum outdoor temperature?


Favorite Answer

As with any breed, you should only bathe dogs when it's needed, otherwise it can remove the oils in their fur and skin that otherwise keep them healthy.

Make sure you give the dog a thorough brushing first, or once the fur is washed, you'll have a hopeless tangled mess when you're done. Ensure all tangles are removed and any loose fur is removed.

The best way to go about having them bathed in general is to take them to a dog groomer's. If you've got room at home to do so, using the bath is ideal. Washing the dog in the yard with a hose when it's cold is a big no-no because it could cause the dog to suffer chills.

It's also an idea to bathe the dog after they've had a long evening walk. That way, they have all evening for their coat to dry, plus they'll be tired out, so will have less energy to squirm, meaning bathing the dog will be easier for you too. After that, let the dog sit by a heater or the fire to dry off.

Hope this helps.


Give her a nice bath and then dry her as best as possible. Don't allow her to go outside till she is fairly dry.

Perhaps turn the heat on while giving her the bath, so your house will be nice and warm.


You could try giving her a good brushing to remove dirty fur. I have a husky and we never wash her in cold weather, we just put up with it until it is a good time of year to do it. Or you could just take her to a dog groomers this one time. They do a marvelous job in cleaning them up. That's what we do. Or just sponge her down without soaking her double coat, just get the surface dirt off.


just give her a bath in warm water and make sure she's dry before she goes back outside


WHEN IT SMELLS!!!!!!!!!!!