Were God's chosen people chosen for banking ? Or did they assume that role ?


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I assume you're asking why Jews were traditionally bankers.

It had to do with Christian interpretations of biblical (at least, I think they were biblical) restrictions against usury. The middle-ages interpretation was that any lending of money with interest--even modest, reasonable interest rates--was usury, and thus was something Christians weren't allowed to do to other Christians. Which means no banking, because if you can't charge interest, you can't make a living lending people money.

Since Jews did not share this interpretation (or the bit about usury wasn't in the Old Testament, I forget which), they *could* lend money with interest, and did so. So they ended up with more or less a monopoly (in Europe, at least) on the lending-other-people-money industry, aka banking.


which chosen people are we talking about....the Jews? The Christians? The Muslims? The Zoroastrians? The Bahai Faithful's...the Mormons?


Trolls are God's Chosen people.


They were chosen to bring forth the Messiah, which they violently rejected. Thumbs down all you want. Doesn't change history.


Indirectly yes. Christians were forbidden to make loans, so Jews stepped into that role

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