Help on asking girl to prom?

I've been wanting to tell this girl I've liked for the past 6 months at school but never find the right moment. Or I could say I never did anything. So now I want to use this opportunity for prom where I'll also tell her how I feel about her. Do you think she might say yes if I just go up to her and tell her that I got a thing for her and want to get to know her more and tell her she's the only one I'd like to take to prom ?


I don't want to make it that big. I wan't her to accept it the way I simply ask her, not by doing something big where she HAS to say yes.


You might not like this idea but I kinda think it's cutee. Buy a pizZa on the box when you open it, it can say "I know this sounds cheesy but will you go to prom with me". Lolol. So next time you hang out you just order a pizza and it's sweet and simple. Or.... you cañ just watch prom asking videos on YouTube for ideas. If you want to make a big deal I suggest youtube. It's up to you


Do something cute maybe make some posters with your friends help asking her to prom? Or look up some other cute ways to ask a girl to prom? Don't worry I know the struggle my boyfriend hasn't asked me yet and proms in less than a month


YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS ASK HER DO IT OMG , PLZ. ANY GIRL WILL SAY YES , WHO DOESN'T WANT TO GO. ((hah caps)). but yeah ask her , she will have to say yes because , you care aout her so much.tell her how you feel at prom , at the slow dance.Make the prom proposal special ! Flash mobs , are cool. OR some kid in my school wrote on a teachers board" ____is dying to take ___ to prom" as he was laying dead (faking) on the floor hahaha , it was so cute, do that, she'll lovvvvvvvve it.