will a usb keyboard work during windows 95 installation?

im in the process of doing a experimental desktop build of windows 95 and i cant get the ps2 keyboard port to work, even after buying a brand new ps2 pci add on card, only the ps2 mouse works, my question is, will i be able to get the usb keyboard to work during installation, and then later enabling the usb patch for basic functionality? i would do this by using the existing working ps2 mouse i have, i dont think i need a keyboard after the os installs. its annoying because i spent a lot of money on the ps2 add on card, i also purchased another floppy drive coming in because the other one i ordered didnt appear to work, no data was being registered. the wierd part is, the ps2 keyboard works on another pc but even after buying a new ps2 pci card, it wouldnt work on the original motherboard which makes me think the motherboard's keyboard detection is messed up somehow. also the hard drive i bought from ebay listed as new, appears to be used, when i went to windows 7 installation just to format it, it was used up like half way, and when i went to cmd option in recovery tools, it wouldnt let me format, it said its write protected which i searched on how to fix but none of the options i followed on sites worked.

so, can i temporarily use the usb keyboard to install w95, or will the device basically turn off / not work once it enters setup?


Older PCs didn't boot without a PS/2 keyboard attached. That was not a matter of the operating system. Newer PCs take evrerything, in "In/between" PCs sometimes it has to be set up in the BIOS. And when you already have the BIOS open, check if your PS/2 card "already" was Plug & Play, which is not the case when it is a 95 "originial". In this case you have to set it up in the BIOS too. Then download the free iso.-burn image of KNOPPIX at Knoppix.org and burn it on DVD: Start the computer fom DVD with the hard drive attached.KNOPPIX runs a LINUX Live session (only from DVD, nothing is installed) with hundreds of tools, of which one is "GParted". With GParted you can delete, erase, create, resize, reflag or whatever all kinds of partitions including Windows's NTFS. GParted recognizes the access permissions and restrictions of Windows but ignores it and also can change them if you like. With GParted it is also possibe to check the state of health of the hard drive, find hidden partitions, swap partititons, RAID partitions or whatever was on it.. LINUX also performes a complete hardware check during boot up and will tell you if there is any problem. Then take GParted and raze off everything on that old HD. Can Win95 be installed on NTFS, or does it need FAT32?. You have to check first. As I remember NTFS came around the year 2000. Before that HDs had to be formatted FAT32 (or ext2 for LINUX). How many Kilobite RAM does WIN95 need? I have an old IBM Thinkpad running Windows NT, which existed in parallel to WIN95. It has incredible 2x 32 MB of RAM (66MHz) and a giant HD (2 GB), which was a lot. My computer before that one had one 80MB and one 320 MB HD.
Do you know the slogan: "TITANIC 1912 - HINDENBURG 1937 - Chernobyl 86 - CHALLENGER 86 - Windows 95" ? My son had it on his T-Shirt. And: The last words of the CHALLENGER-crew: We start our WINDOWs computers now". Good luck. Don't operate a space shuttle with your computer.


No. There is absolutely NO support for USB in windows 95. You can NOT get anything USB to work on it unless that device has a driver installed. And there are no longer ANY drivers for 95. And if the machine is old enough for anything on 95 to be able to install, you could not get small enough hard drives to use, and nor will any add on cards.