Since the IRS Scandal Is Phony; Shouldn't the Republicans use the IRS to Go after Their Enemies When They Regain the White House?
The Democrats and the Obama Regime have set the rules. Using the IRS to attack your enemies is totally cool. We should do the same. Imagine the possibilities, we could audit Planned Parenthood, the Brady group whatever they call themselves these days, PETA, the Sierra Club and the entire Hollywood establishment right out of business. Along with a lot of other groups and individuals.
After all these are their rules not ours.
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No. Bad idea. Corruption and criminality may be part of the Democrat moral code, but such tactics should be shunned by patriotic Americans.
I note that despite the IRS IG saying that these groups were discriminated against, liberals still choose to deny that it happened, or that it was even wrong.
Ignorance and flexible morality seem to be the defining characteristics of these liberals.
Sarah: Oh really, when? The Democratic Party has been infamous cheaters and extortionists, particularly when gangsters among my Irish relatives ran their machines. But no, Republicans aren't innocent lambs.
Nixon did it, and IRS also investigated a lot of left wing groups at the time. We used to get audits in folders that said "Confidential" They have always gone after unions, so it is an equal opportunity investigator. But Republicans always try to cripple the IRS since its biggest job is to go after corporations and wealthy individuals who evade their taxes, and they are the GOPs biggest contributors.
So, you are saying, in your own question, that the IRS IS capable of being used by whichever party is in office. But democrats are innocent little lambs. Wow.