Open letter to both people and rules committee?

When it comes to violations

Like it or not the answer fits the question. People ask questions and you guys don't like to hear the truth. Keep the ten points. Some people just don't like facts as a former Military Police Investigator I handled cases where soldiers brutalized
their wives and girlfriends terrorized the ones they claim to love. Your guidelines in many cases want to hide the truth. Think about it. You allow charged questions but you want sweet talk BS answers. There are all kinds of terrorists even domestic. If you can't handle the truth don't allow the questions same thing when it comes to politics and religions How isolated from the truth are you? These people make down right sorry questions then block or delete them so people can't answer this is so one sided Appeal nothing your minds are already made up Care to get out of your chairs and see the world as it really is not as you like it even religion is very often bloody and violent.


I've had about 15 'violations', I've appealed 10 of those, and had 8 over turned. YA is completely reactionary, relying on reports from the community. Only if you appeal does anyone look at it. Unfortunately, many of the answers and questions do violate the rules. If you don't like it, play by the rules. That's something a 'former Military Police Investigator' should appreciate.


Your so sweet!

have instagram? you should add me!
sn is xodakotaaa