Is Bill Mahar too far to the left?

I use to like to watch his show and I thought he was funny. It just seems he is just a cheerleader for the democratic party. I really do like political comedy, but it just seems like it's pro democrat all the time. I vote mostly republican, but I have my moments. I just hate it when one party get favoritism in the media.


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He's a comic and a commentator .. which leaves me wondering which one's talking sometimes. He's no alone in being more vocal of late ... as the right moves very far right, and the left moves somewhat more right, some of us find it upsetting. I like political satire as well. LOVE John Stewart .. funny but also really makes his point in a logical, clear way.


He's a far left wingnut and an avowed atheist. He is also an arrogant prick and he's not the least bit funny to me, but rather comes off as a liberal azzhole of the worst kind. I hate his fukkkin guts.


He is getting more and more militant and he is not tollerent of other points of view. People like him are the ones that line people up and shoot them in mass graves.


he is a left wing extremist