Isn't it interesting that it only took the media about 10 days to bring race into the Navada stand off.?
I would guess it took longer to edit Mr Bundy's remarks than it took to edit a 9-11 call.
I would guess it took longer to edit Mr Bundy's remarks than it took to edit a 9-11 call.
Favorite Answer
Yes, it took them 10 days to come up with a convincing edit.
YB Logical
The mainstream media genuinely selects which narratives prevail by deciding what voices to represent and the quantity and quality of coverage these voices get. Audiences should ask themselves some important questions about this.
Whose voices are they hearing, and why?
Why are certain voices excluded or deliberately ignored during the conversation?
Why are some views credible and others discredited?
The voices and accounts that challenge the narratives that are being promoted as reality to the public are ignored or undermined so that they do not defy the message or vision that the mainstream media is framing for audiences. Circumstances are deliberately left out of the narratives being reported or transmitted in many cases because of the justifications they can provide and the perceptions they can create.
Control the media and control the Nation.
The media brought race into the Nevada standoff?
Funny, it sure sounded like it was Bundy who brought race into the situation.
Or do you think the media forced Bundy into spewing his deep seated beliefs?
As the facts show us, it is Bundy who brought up race.
the media reports on what's out there. are you saying that the media should censor Cliven instead of letting the audience know his opinions? Why do you support censorship, libbie?