Why do democrats call everyone a racist ?

Well, anyone who disagrees with them ... Isn't a racist someone who makes everything into a racial issue ? Or someone who is always blaming race for their problems ?

Wouldn't that make most democrats racists ?

Jeff D2014-04-25T09:04:24Z

Name calling is rhetorical technique used to try to win arguments. It's not a very good technique because it doesn't really address the issue(s) at hand; it's just a way to try to discredit the other side. When someone starts calling you names it usually means they don't have any facts to use against you.

Albert C2014-04-25T09:34:21Z

It's appears to be a tactic used to blame anyone that opposes them and their ideas. It's a strategy used to get sympathy for their cause by calling their opposition 'racist'. That means that if you oppose the lame brain ideas of the current occupant of the Oval Offices ideas you're a 'racist'.


democrats can't argue with facts so that leaves them with rhetoric.

Stanislaus Katczinsky2014-04-25T11:10:24Z

your premise is false


When you go around calling people racist you are at the same time declaring you are not even though you are. It is kind of like saying my daddy can beat up your daddy. Essentially they are trying to convince themselves that there are no democratic racists by calling everyone else on it.

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