06 Liberty flood?

I have been bouncing around the Internet for the last few hours trying to find out why the 06 Liberty is filling with water on the floor. I've found a lot of information about other Libertys that have standing water in them but no solution. Anyone ahead of me?

I also found out the "key stuck in the ignition" is famous. We just replaced the ignition, the interlock cable and the gearshift (worn gears) and it was pretty expensive. I wondered if anyone knew of Chrysler doing anything about this one?

It's been a good little car for over 150,000 miles with no major repairs, so we're not really complaining about putting money into it. It did have the electrical bug that had it insisted the transmission was overheating but that was cured by a new battery. (I assume unhooking and rehooking the battery would have also solved it).

Any ideas on the flooding? I have a tarp over it and it's made minimal difference. Slightly less water to vacuum out. Mostly on the drivers front, but it's front and back, driver and passenger.

oh, yeah - its sitting out in the driveway with the battery disconnected because last week the horn decided to work - all the time. We've all been sick, so there it sits. We can pull the fuse and drive it, but it would be better to fix it. Any ideas on that?

thanks so much for any direction.


Favorite Answer

Have you been running the AC? Ours floods the floor when the condensation tube gets plugged that drains the condensation away we run the AC. Ours drains into the frame on the right hand side (passenger side). Had to drill a one inch hole in the frame to get to the tube to unplug it. Check with a mechanic first to see if they have changed the position. Ours is 97 Grand Cherokee.