Why do conservatives make a big deal of illegal immigrants from Mexico but not of illegal immigrants from Canada?
Marina 1
Favorite Answer
Probably because the most southern states is predominantly their neck of the woods.
I am against ALL illegal immigrants. The word - 'illegal' being key and the fact that is means our borders are not protected. This is one job the Federal Government actually SHOULD be doing and it is not!
Steven S
Conservatives make a very big deal out of illegal aliens from Canada and 190 other countries.
Liberals think it only has to do with Mexicans, even though a large number of illegal aliens that come to the US over the Mexican border come from several different countries. 57% of illegal aliens are from Mexico, 21% of illegal aliens are from other Latin-American countries. 6% of illegal aliens come from Canada and Europe.
Democrats are aware of this and they have decided to focus on supporting Latin Americans in order to get their support because they are moving into Red States.
Democrats also know that successful immigrants that move here legally from other countries tend to support conservatives and have always supported slowing down the process for them. They know that granting amnesty to illegals will slow down the process of granting citizenship to legals more effectively and less noticeably.
According to Wikipedia, 57% of the illegals here are from Mexico, and only 6% are from Europe and Canada combined.
The Canadians aren't forcing us to learn Spanish to get OUR jobs and aren't taking over entire parts of the country, and they aren't trying to force us to ignore our laws to accommodate them.
Conservatives tend to oppose all illegal immigration. You're a pathetic liar.