should I start my own business?

Hello ,
So I am an IT, graduating with associates this summer, but I do kknow a lot about computers and web design!
I do know how to replace hardware, and I am proficient in windows and software
Do you believe I can start slowly ?? Like setting up windows, changing parts , and setting up servers (I know how to)
Thanks all!


Favorite Answer

yes start up !!! start from a facebook page advertise among friends & see response


No, I do not think you should start your own business. Only a small part of doing the business you're thinking of jumping into is about your knowledge of all things IT related. And, as an Associate Degree holder, you really don't know that much about them yet. If you said you had a B.S., you would know a little more, but still not that much. It is through years of experience that you gain a lot of knowledge. The most critical knowledge, of which you have no experience through school, is to listen to the customer needs and document the requirements in a way that can be held up as your contract. All that aside that you don't know yet, is the real aspect of running a business. It's about marketing, invoicing (or billing), general accounting, and the biggest daddy of all... communication. Based on how you wrote your question, or more specifically the details you provided under your question, you do not have writing skills. Your writing is so horrific that as a potential client, I would think your business has no quality control. If you cannot write, what would make me think you could deliver on the I.T. solutions I might need implemented? Nothing!

Stay in school. Then, go work for big corporate America. When you are proficient in working with clients, and documenting requirements, then go back to school and get an additional degree in business. Once that is done, you can be secure that you are armed with the tools needed to go into business for yourself.