Why do people block their license plate numbers in Craigslist photos?
Think about it first. If it was my goal to steal a car, I wouldn't need a license plate number to do it, If I did, then I would just go on the hwy and record all that I liked. In addition, the information related to a license plate is protected by the state.
no reason other than they saw someone else do it. You can NOT (legally) get any info from a license plate number, unless you know a cop or dispatcher. Even then, if they look it up, the fact they did that is now permanently on record. If the owner finds out, the cop or dispatcher is fired. People drive around all day every day with their license plate exposed...but are weird about a photo. No reason for it.
From a license plate number you can get a name and address. It would tell YOU whether you are buying a stolen car. You do know that if you buy stolen goods and the police find out you are out your money and the goods. Plus the seller may not want you to know his address before you look at the car.
As a third party you are not liable for a stolen good as long as you had no reasonable expectation that the good was stolen. The previous owner of a good would be able to sue the thief off the value of the good/goods but cannot retrieve the actual item, no matter the sentimental value.