Should Republicans work to limit the corrupt influence of George Soros and unions on politics?

Like this amendment that is coming up?

Currently, there are no limits on how much George Soros and unions can donate to political campaign. Should Republicans fight to change this?

You can't expect fair elections while those people are tossing their untold billions into our election cycles.


*political campaigns.


Are you kidding!!!!! The left will never be silenced but the FEC is about to begin regulating conservatives on line, in news print, and on the radio. So much for free speech. Obama's administration is following Putin's lead.


I sure as heck would not expect all Republicans to rally behind that proposal, but the point is simply that we need at least 67 US Senators and at least 290 Representatives to vote on proposing it. If you want to get to numbers like that, stop trying to make the proposal sound like it's a partisan debate.


We just need to force Soros to return to Thailand they will beat him to death on sight


Yes, Unions are anti CORPORATION. Why, that's anti DIXIE. Disgraceful.


Yes, and they should work to limit the corrupt influence of the Koch brothers on politics, as well. We have the best government money can buy, but that is not how it is supposed to be. We are badly in need of campaign finance overhaul. The influence of big money in politics is ruining our political process. It is no longer about the voice of the people, but the desires of those with enough money to buy the wins for the candidates they endorse.

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