Help on this girl I like.. ?

There's this girl in my school I really like. We talk sometimes and until last week we started texting. So one night I text her and she doesn't reply. The next day she tells me she was busy doing something.. Should I give it another shot by texting her? if yes then what ? thanks..


She said she was busy, so yeah, I'd text her again. If she still doesn't reply, I'd just drop it and wait for her to text you. If she doesn't, she's either busy or not interested (which would be her loss). But there really isn't any incriminating evidence that says she does not like you, because we all get busy. Just try again and good luck ^.^

Answer my question, maybe? Thanks for your time ^. ^ /question/index;_ylt=AhyBMuVBhLA2lYCzgfXHgi_wX3U6?qid=20140510113428AAJxc0N


Yes of course, if she was busy that night won't mean that she'll be busy again the next time you text her. Good luck!


Yes she was just busy so text her! If she doesnt reply she might still be busy or she isnt interested. Say something like "Hey! How ya doing?" Or "Hi =) what's up?" Dont be boring and just put hi... start the conversation by asking how shes doing or whats up. Hope this helps a little :)