Blurry vision in left eye while wearing contacts?

I wear my contacts every day. Sometimes, though, it seems like my left eye begins to get blurrier and blurrier all the time. I have astigmatism in my right eye so the right contact is thicker than the other but it doesn't really bother me...

Anyway, whenever I notice blurriness in my left eye, I take the contact out and look at it. It's always dirty, somehow, inside of the lens. In fact, when I took it out and cleaned it earlier today, it was clear for only a couple of hours before the blurriness is back. I really noticed the difference as I was driving home earlier due to the glare of the road signs from the headlights of my car.

Anyone know what can be done to help keep this lens clean or have an idea on how it's getting dirty under it like that? I am due for a contact change in the next few days.

I take them out every night and change them every 15th of the month. I've never left them in for more than 18 hours straight...

Any ideas?


Favorite Answer

I would try a bottle of Re Nu (Bausch & Lomb) it is for sensitive eyes. It is a one step for disinfects, cleans, for soaking, lubricates, it is so terrific. I don't know what I'd do without it, as I used several other products and always had problems.
Did you check perhaps the lens flipped inside out, which happens often, no matter how careful we are. Protein also tends to stick to lenses. When you are Not wearing lenses, does that eye tear-up, is there a gooey like substance (like when you awake in the morning?)
Please, check if the lens is inside out. >3


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They may be a bit too strong. Definitely need to be using a wearing in schedule for first time contact user, should not be wearing them all day yet, it should take about 2 weeks to work up to all day wear for normal soft disposable lenses. Many times it takes several fitting to find the right brands, curves and power ranges for an individual. Also, if you are very nearsighted, when wearing your contacts your near vision is likely to not be as clear. I can see close up fine with my glasses, but when I put my contacts in I often have to use a low powered reading glass (but I am approaching 30, the older you get the worse that gets). Contact your doctor/optician, or since it hasn't been long, they should be seeing you for a follow-up 2-4 weeks after your initial fittings, and you should address your concerns then. If they did not schedule a follow-up, then you need a new doctor, because especially for a first time wearer this is vital.


I had the same issue a few times. There are a couple causes.
1. Scratch to your cornea. Take your contacts out for a few days to let it heal.. You can tell if this is the issue if you put in a fresh set of lenses & still experience the blurred vision.
2. Scratch on the lens or a small tear, sometimes microscopic so you can't see it.
3. You accidentally switched left and right lenses.

A good solution to use to clean your lenses is one with hydrogen peroxide (be sure to follow instructions carefully & use lens container provided).

Anytime you have a lens issue it's best to just toss them and let your Eyes rest a few days. I know some people have yearly lenses so it may not be feasible to toss them! If the problem persists after you've done All you can its smart to see your eye doctor to avoid any permanent damage to your eyes, they are so important !!


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Blurry vision in left eye while wearing contacts?
I wear my contacts every day. Sometimes, though, it seems like my left eye begins to get blurrier and blurrier all the time. I have astigmatism in my right eye so the right contact is thicker than the other but it doesn't really bother me...

Anyway, whenever I notice blurriness in my left...


Seems like your left lens isn't lasting the 30 days.

Possibly a different brand will fix the problem as a last resort.

It can also depend on the solution you are using as to why it won't last as long as it should.

Opti-Free is the about the best for prolonging the life of lenses . If that isn't enough then Clear Care will give them an even deeper, longer lasting cleaning.

There are several brands of all in one solutions like Renu....Renu is among the least effective and is rarely recommended by eye care professionals.

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