Why isn't she texting me back?

I started texting with this girl I really like, a week ago. She kind of seemed interested too as I saw that she also kept the conversation going. Until one night I text her and she doesn't reply. The next day she tells me she was busy that night doing something.. So I guess I just let that slide and decided to give it another shot. That was last night where I texted her " hey whats up ? " but I got no reply back. Not even the next day.. Why isn't she texting back? I'm more than sure I did nothing wrong. What should I do ?


She maybe is busy or has some personal problems going on. Don't text her and when and if she's ready she will text with an apology or a reason why she wasn't replying. If she's interested, she'll come back don't worry :)


Some people are not as dependent on their phones as others. If she's interested she'll answer in her own time. Meanwhile, what harm is it if you ask her how she is when you see her. You will see her reaction, which is much more informative than a text message.


She might be busy just give her some time she'll start wondering why your not texting her and will text back


She's just busy , be patient


Some people can text certain days for hours at a time then they don't text at all or very little for a few days. She's probably busy or sees your hey what's up as too casual. If guys text me that sometimes I don't answer bc it reads like they don't care much or too scared to say something sweet. If you like her then call her. Or better yet ask to see her then you can talk and flirt in person. In person is always best!

So don't worry just try getting a hold of her another day. A call might be better than a text for this girl.

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