is it a sin if you do some stuff but not go all the way.?

is it a sin and what dose god think if you do some stuff but not go all the way. but do stuff with your hands and if he use his mouth. need info and help means a lot to me. 20 points for the best answers that will help me means a lot to me. we been dating for 10 months now we both love each other he is good to me. and what if your still the v word but doing some stuff.


Favorite Answer

no not at all you should do any physical what ever way whether its a handjob or mouth job ,any thing .nothing is allowed. o fcourse it is one of the major sin.


what does god think? lmao. its sex. and its your body. do what you wish with it. no one but you will ever care.


Screw the stupid idea of sin.

Biologically humans have desire, and sensations feel good, not to mention the emotional connections. These are all there because we are SUPPOSED to find a partner and have sex to ensure the survival of our species.

Religion is a man made convention, intended to coerce a population into following these arbitrary rules in order to have a good afterlife.

If there is a god who created us, that means he gave us these impulses, and these feelings, and he made sex feel amazing. Why would he want us not to enjoy ourselves?

It it a sin for animals to procreate, since they aren't married?

Love is hard, and finding someone to love is hard. If you have both of these things, you owe it to yourself to fully embrace this love in all that it has to offer.

Don't worry about what god thinks, if he or she was on earth they would be trying to have sex too.


If God is going to send you to hell over a handjob a lot of people are going to hell...haha