adhd, mental / personality disorders ( debate ), i need some insight?

i just wanted to start off saying that i fit the criteria for adhd and many other disorders / conditions, and no, i have never self diagnosed myself, ive been seeing psychologists for almost 3 years, with varied diagnosis's and mentioned labels and traits, time from time, i will research things myself and conclude my own theory on things. anyways, what i wanted to say is, whats up with all these people, for instance, if adhd is supposedly a motivation and disregulation problem, then how can all these people have jobs, a girlfriend in the first place, and get good grades, and at the same time, be so confident about everything they say, talk about optimistic mindsets lol, ( although when i took a eeg brain scan, the person who did the scan for me said her husband has adhd, had reported mini seizures on the test, and tested near genius level for his iq ), lol...something seems fishy here to me. my theory is that adhd shouldnt be labeled as a disorder if most of these people are so well rounded / functional and i know for a fact that most of them ARE. this includes a few of my friends that apparently have adhd, all of which are ahead of me, i dont know anyone thats below me, ( 1.68 gpa in college, no goals or mindsets, solitary boring agitating frustrating life ). even the people that dont do well in college that i know that have adhd, they still have a good social life, or a job at least. but me, not any of those.


my theory is that adhd should be just a label for people that are indeed smart ( iq's ranging from around 110 and above, and are indeed creative / gifted, but may have a little bit of inconsistencies and be inadequate in some areas, but not much of a problem to make it a disorder ). im supporting this theory by disagreeing about the autism commorbidity, because supposedly autism relates to a lower iq, at least, i read somewhere that differientiated autism and aspergers, if your iq was above 75..


then you have aspergers. but what if you have adhd traits and aspergers. i read on a forum where someone mentioned, adhd + schizoid personality disorder = aspergers, but someone said, autism isnt necessarily commorbid or part of adhd. ok, here goes another proposition, maybe sluggish cognitive tempo covers schizoid PD, traits of aspergers, and adhd in one condition.
well, i seem to fit sct and schizoid PD, but i fit almost every adhd trait, however, im not creative, im not gifted, and my...


iq is barely average, 90-95 i think ( tested by two psychologists ). here is another proposition, if we go by the theory that people with mental disorders ( such as adhd ), seem to score a lot lower in certain criterias, but a lot higher in others, meaning there is a large fluctuation between abilities in given areas, then this alone would classify that the patient does in fact have some sort of disorder. here is the insight, i always tested average in ALL areas, so what does this say then?...


stephanie73, hold your horses, this is a debate for the most part, and i know almost everything about adhd ( in terms of internet reading and a couple years of seeing psychologists whom didnt know any more than i did, i actually told one of them about sct and he never even heard of it ). back to my topics, if we go by the theory that adhd is NOT a chemical imbalance / neurological problem, ( based off currenting technology testings ), then by all means, i dont have "adhd" per say, but something


else, the only other condition that i can say i fit is sct which is almost identical to adhd, but medication wont help you in the way it can for adhd, and i did take medication for "Adhd", and none of them worked, this was ritalin, vyvanse, welbutrin, vyvanse made me sick for a few days actually, i threw up a few times and stopped it, so this makes me believe that sct is in fact a unique disorder, even though its very similar to adhd, plus, i would say i have schizoid PD on top of it..


Having a disorder isn't an insult, your opinion seems to be formed by the fact that society stigmatizes disorders as negative. Some people thrive with disorders, other people do not- the same way people without disorders will and won't succeed.


I will tell you what I tell my ADHD son. You have ADHD. It's an illness, like any other illness. You didn't choose it, but you have it just the same, and you have to deal with it. It doesn't mean you can't have a normal life. In fact, when you have ADHD, you're luckier than a lot of people. When you're interested in something, you learn everything about it, and you become an expert in that area. And you're wonderfully creative. I understand that it might be harder for you to focus on things that don't hold your interest, but you can. You just have to try harder. You can do anything you want. ADHD is an illness, not an excuse.