Don't worry, the politicians have a plan. They will station shock troops from the USDA armed with submachine guns and body armor to keep the advancing water at bay. That is, if they are not busy shaking down the Amish for selling raw milk.
The negative effects greatly outweigh the benefits. We can't eat dry sand. Humans evolved top our current form in a 200-250 ppm CO2 environment, and the climate that created.
Definitely a fit dessert for republicans who refuse to accept AGW and hinder progress towards reducing our carbon footprint I guess it's difficult for republicans to focus on the reality of AGW while still struggling with the idea that the earth is round
When the cheaper exploitable frack-stuff is gone, and prices go back up, you can heat your house by burning the Constitution, and celebrate the end of all those Marxist Greenie inalienable rights and protections.