treated vs non treaded adhd / disorders / to prevent personality disorders? ( nurture theory / etc )?

i was just wondering on what your guys opinions are as far as how someone's life can be like or shaped based on the nurture theory. i put adhd in the thread title because i seem to fit almost all the traits, well, if you want to be more specific, i fit sluggish cognitive tempo more, so lets just say the question is for both of these conditions ( assuming sct is distinct from adhd, even though it shares very similar traits, or we can go with the theory that i have both, there is no distinction and labeling is not a factor, and that i have almost all traits from BOTH ). what are you thoughts about these conditions? i feel like if i do have both ( again, in terms of traits and not looking at the labels ), then its impossible to do anything effectively to reduce the problems that come with the person's traits, because the person's traits itself make the person susceptible, the person spends their entire life to adapt, so talking about improvement is not a choice, if things are happening in life that otherwords could give you opportunities and what not, you quickly shy away, if you go to a party, your not there to have fun, you there to just exist, just observing others. what im trying to say is, whatever i am suffering from, its impossible to do anything about it ( effectively ), and this is me speaking confidently, yet in a negative connotation. would this form of speech be recognized though as a form of fatalistic belief then? because i do consider myself like that.


now to the adhd topic, so lets assume, and again, assume that adhd is in FACT caused by a combination of factors, parents smoking / drug use / alcohol use, certain traits that make you behave in a "adhd" way, genetic mutations, chemical imbalances / brain structural abnormalities. if this assumptions is true, then how can chemical imbalances help a mutated brain, well, that can be crossed out, now a different approach, lets take away the chemical imbalance / abnormality theory, if these people..


dont have that, then how do these medications seem to have significant positive effects for the children / adults taking them? this to me is fishy, because there is never any relative answers on why its like this, i have not seen anyone question if iq is a factor. for instance, if we go by the theory that MOST people with adhd are smart, above average iq and higher, and if medication is usually effective, would this assume that maybe people with higher iq's, regardless of having adhd, benefit...


highly from medication or get more noticeable results from them? if this is true, then how does it make adhd different than per say "normal people", or anyone else? again, something seems fishy here, i sense a lot of ignorance from god. god is telling me that im getting closer to all the fallacies in life which en-growths my anger and hatred of life. god knows why im mad and why i ask these questions, these questions are not stupid actually, even if i said they were before.


ok, i dont want to get too confident and let others get the wrong interpretation. i would like to make another debate and theory, if sct shares almost all traits with adhd, but medication is rarely effective or not effective at all, and sct patients usually have a background of low success / academic problems / lower incomes, isnt that the same factors for people with lower iq's..., and to support another theory, lower iq individuals dont seem to get any effective results from medication..


and people with sct dont really either, so why do a lot of people who say they have sct also test in the well above average iq range or yet alone getting good grades? this also does not make sense. also i disagree with the behavioral part, saying people with sct have less behavarial problems than someone with "Adhd", so someone with a lower iq has less problems than someone with a higher iq? what sort of logic is that?

