If I were just visiting an area as a tourist or visiting relatives or something, could I get a library card from that area? Or would it not?

be allowed due to the fact that my address would be rather far away. I'm just wondering because I think it would neat to have a library card from some of the places we visit when we go on vacation. A cheap souvenir so to speak. What are the rules for this? Has anyone ever done something like that? Also could you provide a link or at least a where you got your information. Even if you put experience or something it would be helpful. Thanks to all, and don't say it sounds dumb. Just nice polite answers, please. Also I'm in the U.S.A.

Joe C2014-05-20T08:47:33Z

Favorite Answer

Most libraries allow you to apply for a temporary library card that is valid for 30 days and limits the number of books you can check out.

A Hunch2014-05-20T08:47:30Z

Someone just asked this in the Los Angeles section.
The specific library that they were asking about grant library cards to virtually anyone who was a US citizen (documentation required). However, there was a $25 free if you weren't a resident of that city.

The regulations will be different for each city. Some may give you a card for no fee.


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