Senior Citizens, when did Elderhostel also become known as Road Scholars?

Do they still use both names or what? My friend & co-worker is going to retire in a few months. I told her about Elderhostel, which my mother enjoyed for travel & staying on college campuses when college wasn't in session. However, when I did a search on it, it was very confusing whether they still even use the old name at all or whether the program still exists as it used to.

Is anyone on here familiar with it? Have you traveled under either program, Elderhostel or Road Scholars? I think it may have been originally part of AARP, but I'm not sure at all. Does anyone know?

My mother attended these sessions in the 1980's. Each one included some educational programs, staying in the dorms, eating together, & going on tour buses to see some of the local sites. She was able to visit my brother & I before & after, staying with each of us only a few days, but still having an longer time in Northern California & an adequate tour of the area.


Oops! That should have been "a longer time," not "an longer time."


Thanks very much for the terrific research done by Whimsy. It will be great if it inspires a little travel, a little learning, & especially, a whole lot of fun.


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It seems as though they are still around under both names. This is what I found. Very interesting, I may go.