Would my policy's benefit America?

These are my policy's

1. Introduce grammar schools
2. Make breast feeding illegal in public.
3. Make abortions limited (no more than 3)
4. Abolish the electoral college
5. Abolish the federal reserve banking
6. Make college the final step in getting a degree or job.
7. Make the private sector larger.
8. Spend an extra 40% on the military plus get the troops back.
9. Cut back on foreign aid so we can spend it on our own people but still continue giving money to people in Africa.
10. Only allow the BEST people with skills that will bring value to the nation in the country.

I'm a libertarian conservative and these are some of my policy's and I'm British so don't take it seriously.


How can you do all those things and make the private sector larger? By what authority can you abolish breast feeding? To what end? Why would you spend 40% MORE on military when we should spend about 40% less?


1. America already has this
2. Stupid idea. breast feeding is natural and actually healthier for the child.
3. Ok. As long as you make some cases mandatory
4. good idea
5. Good idea
6. But college is not for everyone. We need trade schools.
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. No we don't need to send any money to africa.
10. Yes.