Did Obama turn out to be the President that the left believed Nixon was ?

The American left exploded with rage in the 1970’s when they found out that Nixon lied about a few very minor crimes committed by his staff… Although the media doesn’t report it (because most media members/owners are far left democrats) … Obama has broken more laws than many guys who are sentenced to life in prison.


Exactly! You have a great memory - except that's not what happened. Everyone was up in arms about the Nixon campaign trying to undermine an American election. The GOP quickly turned on him and advised him to resign.


Obama is much worse. Nixon was bad, but at least he resigned in the wake of his illicit behavior.

Obama is a narcissist, so he's never going to resign regardless of how many times he's exposed for having broken the law.


True leftists despise Obama for being too far right.


What BS on your part.


No he didn't. But you ended up shooting your J. I. Z. Z. after youF. U. C. K. ED your DAD in his S. H. I. T. stained C. U. N. T.