Would you hire a software developer with this profile?
- Decades of experience overall.
- Experience in various environments, most notably game, web and mobile development.
- Willingness to learn and to adapt to new environments.
- Obsession with international standards and other boring technical details.
- Lots of patience, particularly when dealing with menial tasks.
- Rather cheap labour.
- Fairly old.
- Very shy and avoiding of contact with other people.
- http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AttentionDeficitOOHSHINY
- Prone to get lost in the details while missing the big picture.
- Bad at understanding real world problems, particularly those about money and business.
- Impractical and unquestioning of motives and goals. He'll just do what he's asked to do, often quite literally, yielding technically-correct applications that may not be adequate at solving the problem in question.
- Bad at expressing himself in layman terms.
- Talking to him is a waste of time. He'll just answer with a blank stare. Better write him an e-mail.
Would you hire someone with these quirks? What kind of position would you offer him?