Derringer ,antique?

Today digging in my yard to plant a tree, I came across two halves of what looks every bit a small derringer handle. It is cast iron, and very rusted. There is a hole up at what would be the top if it were so that a large screw or rivet may have went through, definatley some thing attached there. Anyone knowledgeable in ancient guns have any theories? I haven't found any more, but I plan to borrow a metal detector to see if I can find the rest. That will take some time though. Thanks!


I will add a pic the day yahoo, modernizes, and makes uploading one easy as Craigslist for example.


We live at a time when every swinging Dick has a camera in his pocket that would be the envy of all the world's photographers a century ago, and it's integrated into a device that can instantly share your photos with most of the civilized world in a matter of seconds. So, how about posting a picture?

Space Cowboy2014-06-10T08:34:06Z

If you have such a problem with Y/A...then stay on Craigslist. It always amazes me that people expect others to automatically know what they are trying to describe. Do try posting a picture of what you're asking.


toy deringers were very popular back in the 1950-60's it is very likely that is what you have found. A picture could tell us a lot more..


Could you show us a picture of it?


Answer: who cares? Wow, I am duly impressed.

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