Who passed Medicare part D at a cost of a Trillion Dollars and never funded it?


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GW and his K street friends. It also forbid the government from negotiating pharmaceutical prices with drug companies, like the military and VA do. Say hello to $5 aspirins.


Ted Kennedy pushed the bill through and Bush signed it to get the senior citizen vote in 2004. Yes it was not funded but they probably didnt expect not to fund two long term military occupations with resulting disability benefits.

John J. S2014-06-20T11:49:24Z

Congress at the request of "Dubya." A blatant action to banrupt the medicare system because it explicitly denied Medicare the right to negotiate prices with the drug companies that other health insurance plans can and do.


Was either Daddy Bush or Clinton. Two very incompetent presidents. However Barrack eats the cake!


Bush43 signed the legislation.

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