How many of you believe that Paige and JJ will end up being brother and sister on DOOL?

It is possible that Jack is Paige's real father.

Kitty 22014-06-21T01:19:16Z

Favorite Answer

Its a real possibility. I wonder if JJ knows Eve was married to Jack. He probably doesn't since Jennifer never tells him anything.


with soaps anything is possible but don't look for that to happen. Jack and Eve were married long before he married Jennifer. Abigail is older than JJ and Paige so for it to be possible Jack would have to have cheated on Jennifer around the same time JJ was born.


I just asked that a little while ago having missed an episode due to Obama's speech. Creepy, but it would make for yet another dramatic story line for the already drama queen Jen and nut job Abigal


I hope not that's just disguesting.

betty m2014-06-21T12:17:44Z

it could happen if it dose they be half b and s but hope that dose not happen she married jack cause he need money and she need to get nicks money after some one killed him.

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