What hairstyles would go good with my face?

I'm pretty sure I have a square face and I was wondering what type of hairstyle would go good with it. I have curly hair and I want short hair and I would be willing to straighten it everyday but I'm not sure if it would flatter my face. If short hair wouldn't look good, what other hairstyles would go good with my face and with curly hair?


Favorite Answer

for a square shape face i would get a layered haircut with the shortest layer down to around your chin. this kind of haircut can soften harsh jaw lines that make up a square face shape. you could also try an angled bob cut since your hair looks pretty short already, you could cut it up to a bob but not all across the same length. that wouldn't be flattering for a square shape. i think your hair's texture looks good with it though. straight hair might also be too "harsh". good luck!!


Medium size hair because it is easy to handle and you can still carry out most of the hairstyles


well short hair makes you seem more clean and it makes you seem to be like you have a good sense of style and long makes a person seem more manly and playful