Does Michael Bay realize what a terrible director he is?

I mean, with the release of Transformers 4, it just doesn't seem that Michael Bay is doing anything to make his films more intelligent, or please us movie-goers who aren't blinded by explosions and CGI. What's your opinion?


So having your movie being ranked the best movie in the world and raising 100 million dollars means you are a horrible director? I really enjoyed Transformers Age Of Extinction and thousands and probably more did as well. Micheal Bay has really out did himself, and this one is bigger and badder than the previous films. I think this film was amazing. With the plot of the movie many people didn't understand it, but then again many people did. I am going to say it wasn't a very strong plot, but it was decent.


He doesn't give a **** like his middle finger was stuck. Seriously, as long he's banking he won't change the films.


The sound of the hundreds of millions of dollars with every movie that he makes has muffled his hearing.

And seriously ... why should he care? Just cause a few fans want to find artsy, fartsy Oscar bait screenplays in a place where they don't belong (i.e. blockbusters)?

Seriously, I don't watch Transformers either, I don't care for Micheal Bay's movies, but I respect his success. Not just anyone can say they are good at generating hundreds of millions dollars like in a formulaic, clockwork way. If I don't like the movies, I won't go see them, but I won't get butthurt about the fact that MB has fans.

Also, you do know that the profits from mindless blockbusters are used to fund riskier Oscar movies that otherwise wouldn't get made right? We need mindless blockbusters.


He doesn't care. He's making money and that's all that matters.

love in siberia2014-06-30T18:48:07Z

It's just like how Taylor Swift doesn't realize how terrible she is. As long as those millions keep rolling in, they continue.