What type of school supplies do I need for college?

I'm trying to be super organized for my first year at college. I'm going to a fairly large university and was wondering what current students use. Should I get binders to organize my classes like in high school or just have a giant notebook?

I know I'll need pencils and pens and highlighters but I'm just needing some advice.

Anything is appreciated.


laptop, usb storage drive, paper, #2 pencils, pens, highlighters, folders, binder (i used 1 giant binder for all my classes), spiral notebooks for lecture notes, composite notebooks for lab, a printer if you're going to a big school that makes it hard to get to a printer otherwise it's probably cheaper to print at school. Calculator if taking math/science courses. Good backpack that can carry textbooks and binders. stapler- some classrooms will have them but it's easiest to have your own so when you turn in assignments you don't have to frantically look for a stapler.


My older sister used notebooks and folders for each class when she was in college. I'm a senior in high school but I like using the Five Star Flex NoteBinders which are like notebooks which have pockets and rings, I think they would be useful because they dont take up a lot of space (if you're staying in a dorm.) I also found this forum http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-life/546392-binders-notebooks-or-folders.html