Did you know Louie Zamperini died at 97 last night?

If you never heard of him, google his name & read about his life.
If you have time read the book "Unbroken", if you want you can also view some brief biographies of his life.
great man, what a life, RIP.


I am now better informed.What a great sportsman,hero and survivor of an awful war.Must be a great man to have achieved so much and survived such dangerous times and served his country well.
I hope I shall see the film based on his life.

Rex Neanderthalex2014-07-05T06:38:31Z

At least you got the message, you won't regret anything.
Remember the words of Louie in the JAP prison camp "farting for the emporer".

jim s2014-07-09T14:47:51Z

yes I did...what die louie die of??