How does the value of a born baby differ from an unborn baby?


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I'm assuming that this is about abortion, and there is no difference in the value of a baby and an unborn baby, as life is a precious gift and begins at the moment of conception we need to protect all life in all forms regardless of age, race, sex, nationality, sexual preference, etc. So in conclusion there is no difference between a born and unborn baby

Brother Hesekiel2014-07-05T16:34:02Z

The born baby is considered a human being, and at that time the price goes way up!

Mickey Finn2014-07-05T16:36:21Z

I assume you are submitting the common and very fallacious argument that a fertilized egg (a zygote) is the same as a developed fetus....or adult human being. You fail the logic test. They are NOT the same...and under Common Law, a fetus only acquires Personhood Status by the time of quickening around two months into term. Please go to your room!!!!

...and when you get a chance, see about getting some tutoring in Critical Thinking. PUHLEASE!!!


Simple. Birth results in a birth certificate.


I assure you of this if ever a woman gives birth to a lizard I will find a way to pay them $10,000.

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