is it normal to be attracted to an abusive parent?

Physically mentally and emotionally abusedby tthis person.Thought they were going to leave town and felt like I was going to die.I can't live without him.I feel like sincetthey put me through so much I own them. Although I would not feel this way if I left town. What's wrong with me?


Favorite Answer

You are normal. One of the things that abusers do is to create a sense of dependency and unworthiness in their victims. Get help from someone. I don't know how old you are, so I don't know whether to recommend a teacher, but tell someone. It will only get worse. Be strong. If the first person doesn't believe you or tries to justify the abuse, tell someone else. You are worth the effort.


What you're experiencing is a form of Stockholm Syndrome. It's a feeling of trust, love, attraction and/or affection towards an abuser/torturer/kidnapper, and if by normal you mean common, then yes, it can happen to a lot of people. But it's certainly not healthy. Please get help if you can.