Caught driving with permit..court tomorrow, what do I do?

I got caught driving with my permit. It was my first time driving alone and at the time I was taking my eng 101 class. While I was writing my paper, I got invited to go to the movies with some friends. Being a teen in the summer time, going out isnt a debate. I snuck out and took the car, not even 5 min down the road I get pulled over for headlights. Trust me, I was a nervous reck

I've never gotten myself into serious trouble before. I'm not that teen that goes out and drinks, so I dont want you guys thinking I'm one of THOSE reckless teens. The highlight of my summer is taking my college summer school classes.

I know that my actions would have harmed people and I only thought of myself & not the what ifs in an emergency of taking the only vehicle. I know of the highly likely consequences as well. As smart as I am in school, I wasnt smart enough to turn on something as simple as my headlights. It was reckless & stupid, not to mention I ruined my mom's reliance on me for driving myself to school

The incident happened last month&I could be getting my license Aug 7,Im ashamed that I couldnt wait less than 2 months for something Ive been waiting 16 years for.

My court date is tomorrow and Im a total wreck. I know to dress properly and to take it like an adult. But what happens? What do I do when its my turn to face the judge? I just need help easing my fear.
And unfortunetly, my 16th birthday is the day after. Please help..

ornery and mean2014-07-14T19:33:08Z

Well, your driving privileges will probably be suspended for a while. You will not get your license on the previous schedule. If there was a "good" reason behind your driving (medical emergency, life or death situation, etc) the judge might have had some leniency for you ... but "going to the movies!?" You showed very poor judgement, and the court is likely to go hard on you "to get your attention". Fines, fees and surcharges, loss of driving privileges ... you will survive, but you will remember the effect of this bad decision for a long time to come!