The email that updates from Yahoo on replies to my posted messages has been blank. Bug?

The email that updates from Yahoo on replies to my posted messages has stopped for awhile, I had assumed Yahoo was overhauling or stopping the service. No biggie.

But the last two days, the emails have returned, but they contain no body, just the subject and the disclaimer you normally find at the bottom of the email. The usual links to the various posted messages where the replies are made are not there. Looks like a bug to me.

Where do you put in a bug report? Tried searching around, but there does not appear to be any direct way to report one, leaving this to be the next best option.


Hi my name is abdiwahab Ibrahim, and my email address is
I need help I did as mistake important massage I delete as mistake for trash pin ho could I get back that letter important me I got on July 15 2014 I need that letter please.